My hope is that what I share here will inspire you to live more fully, on a full stomach. Food gives life and life is more than what we eat. I’m here to explore with you what it means to live. You can expect to find science-based nutrition information, recipes, mental health conversations, travel inspiration, and more.


My primary focus is nutrition for mental health and joyful eating. I will, however, cover a variety of reader-requested topics on this blog, answering your questions from a evidence-based perspective. Topics may include:

  • basic, fundamental nutrition (food groups, calories, macro and micronutrients)

  • nutrition for mental health, skin health, autoimmune/ inflammatory disorders

  • plant-based nutrition



I am not an extravagant cook. Some days I am inspired to use what I have in the fridge or do a grocery run for the staples so I can cook up what I’m in the mood for. Other days I pick up fast food.

The idea of easy and repeatable recipes hit home for me when I started working full-time and spent many work days cooking for others. My guess is easy meals doesn’t sound too bad to you, either?

While the majority of my recipes will require a small amount of ingredients and time, when I experiment with more complex recipes, I will share those too!


One thing I love to do is consider where I live and what’s growing. Summer in Wisconsin? I’ll be eating tomatoes and zucchini and making pesto. Late fall? I’ll be roasting up some carrots and Brussels sprouts and tossing with some meatballs.


My general goal with eating is to include a variety of foods, without restrictions and rules, and without breaking the bank. I love high quality food, but I do my best to choose budget-friendly options.

OCD and depression recovery